Turtle is doing better. She can walk now without tipping over. I don't think there is a neurological thing. I think she was just that weak. She continues to eat well and has now even tried the dry crunchy food. I am always glad when we get to this point. Not as messy. I still give her canned beefy/gravy stuff though too. and the kitty chow with warm water. we take turns. She still has some sneezes but her eyes are a lot better.
VOLUNTEER NEEDED: During Oct. 20 to Nov. 4, 2 of our chore helpers will both be gone. We could really use a volunteer. not necessarily all of these days. mostly Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday. the best would be a.m. or early afternoon for 2 or 3 hours. could you please let me know if you could help out on one or more of these days. mostly cleaning stalls & pens. Thanks, Darci.