Thursday, October 22, 2009

TSC has made it easy for you to help

this photo is Prince & Princess, about a year and a half old, rescued. They "lived" their first year and a half in a state of starvation. see their ribs? their backbones? this is a body condition score of 2-3. A 2 is emaciated. This was about 5 years ago.
But recently we have taken on the responsibility of helping with some new rescues. We do not have permission yet to say anything about them. But I can tell you that they needed our help very very much.
TSC on North Cliff Avenue in Sioux Falls has set up a stall bedding program for the rescued horses we are helping with. Buy & donate one or more bags of bedding at TSC, they will set it aside for us, we will pick it up and take it to the horses, who will appreciate it very much.
Also, there is a raffle box at TSC. For each bag of bedding you buy & donate, you may enter the raffle. We don't have raffle details yet but there will be several prizes.