The 2 new rescues (the horses, not this kitty, you'll read about the kitty at the end of this post) went to the Vet last Friday. And spent the night. Rocket, the pinto, needed to become a gelding. They were both excellent for their shots and both hopped right in the trailer for us. Today Andy at the Humane Society called me and asked about Rocket. He is swollen. Bigger than a grapefruit size. She called the vet and they discussed what's going on and he told her not to worry. I know what that's like though. We rescue these guys from horrible situations and it seems we have to do more bad things to them to make them better. So yes, we feel bad and we worry for them. We'll see what tomorrow brings, but I'm guessing he'll be okay. The pony TooLoo is only about 8 years old. She is getting really nice now too. They are 2 really nice horses and they need homes! Please!
Here's the deal about my attitude. I get a call from a lady asking if we are the "horse rescue assistance place." I knew what kind of a call this was going to be. Seems her mother is in the hospital and her mother's horses will be without feed at the end of this month or sooner. She would be happy to drop them off someplace and not let her mother know where they went. She didn't want anyone to go to where the horses are. She would not give me her name or tell me where the horses are. She said there are 6 to 8 of them, 6-7 years old (so far it didn't sound too bad but I knew the bad part was coming). sure enough, none of them are broke. they are broodmares. Pregnant? not sure. no stallion there now. You have to know that I never know how much of any of this is true. okay. there is some reason she doesn't want anyone to go there. couldn't someone take them another round bale? couldn't a neighbor take care of them for a while? could you find one little stupid ounce of ambition and post a FREE ad on, or something????????? But, at this point, I was still trying to find out the location of the horses. All I got was "near Miller." that was odd. the phone number was Mitchell. but I didn't ask.
"Are they registered?"
"I believe some are, but you won't be getting the papers with them."
"WHAT???????"okay, here comes my attitude.
"listen lady, you called for help, do you have any idea how much money it will cost to get all of these horses trained? we are trying to find something marketable about them. Papers might make them marketable.
"Nope, we won't be signing them over."
she should have just told me they were all grade mares. then I wouldn't have exposed my "attitude." well, not as much anyway.
things went downhill fast at that point. She hung up on me because she didn't like "my attitude."
Here is the traceback number: 996-1212. It's the 1st Reformed Church in Mitchell. My thought is maybe the lady who called works there (there's a recording that sounds an awful lot like the voice that called me) and her mother's horses are near Miller. I forwarded this info. on to a Humane Officer and the Animal Industry Board. The AIB told me when they get a formal complaint they can check it out.
Okay, I understand it all. I understand how it works. but I was kind of wondering, could we get just a little creative, a little unscientific for just a moment? could a deputy or anyone who might just know this woman go find out where the horses are so someone can go check on them? I am sorry that I cannot just let everyone dump these untrained horses off here. How can people still be so fogged over about the horse industry and how the bad breeders (yes, there are good breeders too) have bred themselves right out of business? and placed the blame on us "do-gooders" as they like to call us. And, okay, really, how much effort does it take to post a free ad, or find someone to do it for you. anyone with a computer can do it!
Have I vented yet? I guess.
and then, this morning, I thought he was kidding but he wasn't. Greg says, "we have a new cat."
or something like that.
anyway, here she is. photo at the top of this post. She can barely walk so someone must have dumped her off here.
hey, thanks a lot! next time could you tie about $200 on to her bones please? just to get me started with her?
my my my my my. what a weekend I'd say. I did get her to eat some kitten chow in warm water. we'll see what tomorrow brings for her.