journal entry from Nov. 14, 2008
We don't get a lot of regular horse-chore type volunteers at DoubleHP. Especially as Winter approaches. So whenever one lasts for more than a couple of months, we feel extremely thankful. Tina Hillman from Sioux Falls comes once a week, she trudges through the mud and snow and whatever else is here, cleaning up the horse stalls and yards and arenas. And every once in a while she has time to just enjoy the horses. Today Tina, along with Minerva and Princess, helped me practice with my new camera.
Both horses were rescued from starvation.
Both horses were rescued from starvation.
do you think Minerva likes being brushed?
Princess has one blue eye.
Both Minerva and Princess have some wild looking eyes.
Princess doesn't get to run out in the pasture anymore. She has to stay up in the barn area and not put too much extra stress on her feet. She is navicular. Her surgery did help, but if she plays too hard she gets sore again. She is not cooped up in a stall though. She has a big pen with soft ground and shelter at all times. And always at least one horse friend in an adjacent pen, so she does get some herd-type interaction. I do think she would like to go run in the pasture, but I also think she understands why she can't. She is a very happy, beautiful, well-behaved horse. And we are very happy to have her living here with us.