Tuesday, December 30, 2008

CC the Christmas Cat

Two years ago when my sister came for Christmas, we met Saint Nick, the little horse that was left for dead in the road ditch.
his story is on our website http://www.doublehphorses.org/.
Last year, my sister didn't come for Christmas. But Eli the cat did. I think you can find him in here in a post from last December possibly.
This year, we met CC. Our new Christmas Cat. She just magically appeared in our barn. As friendly as can be. This is how most of my 10 barn cats came to live here. Just magically appeared in the barn one day. I usually wait for a few weeks to make sure they really like it here. Then I take them to the Vet. shots, dewormed, spayed/neutered. I have had the same cat herd here for years. We don't do the kitten thing any more. And other people who live on acreages shouldn't do the kitten thing any more either. It makes me mad when these cats show up here. They aren't my cats. I didn't cause them to be born. If you allow your farm cats to reproduce, do you think your neighbors like it when the cats show up at their houses? especially if your neighbors are responsible like I am and make sure their cats are altered. And if you have enough kittens, I know they get sick and most of them do not live. Why not just get the adults altered? They will stick around, they are fantastic mousers. Mine are anyway. And their food is not really very expensive. A couple of shots a year, deworming from time to time, pretty inexpensive mousers. And when I control their health and population this way, they are quite a healthy bunch.
I agree with Bob Barker. Please have your cats and dogs spayed and neutered! Just becuase we live in the country does not mean we have an excuse to be irresponsible about this.
And while it makes me mad when these animals show up here, I know it is not the animals' fault. I feel sorry for them. And so I will try to give them a home here. No sense burdening the other animal shelters with more unwanted pets.
This is one of my Christmas wishes. That more people who live in the country will come out of the dark ages on this topic and get their cats spayed and neutered! Thank you for listening.