This is DoubleHP Minerva, rescued from starvation in South Dakota on May 18, 2007. She is DoubleHP Hero's big sister. This photo is about 6 months after her rescue.
BELOW is Minerva, Roman Goddess of many things. That white streak in her hair must be why our DoubleHP Minerva has the cute little white blanket on her butt! Minerva the Roman Goddess was born in an odd way. She burst from her father's brain, already fully grown and wearing warrior attire. In one legend, Minerva the Roman Goddess tells a competitor, "challenge your fellow-mortals as you will, but do NOT compete with a Goddess!"
And this (BELOW) is the logo for a wonderful restaurant in Sioux Falls, SD. Minerva's Restaurant and Paul & Karen VanBockern of Sioux Falls have been DoubleHP sponsors for several years now. We always wanted to name one of our rescued horses Minerva. And this was the perfect choice.