new kitty Turtle is some better. She went to the Vet on Monday. RJ went along. RJ got some shots and got spayed. Turtle got some blood drawn. She doesn't have any of those deadly catchy kitty things. so we decided she needed a chance. Dr. Michelle kind of thought she might have a neurological disorder. that would fit with Greg's observance of her not walking right. But now she seems to be doing better. Maybe she was just that weak and cold and dehydrated. she has a long ways to go and I spose it could go either way. but she is eating and drinking and pooping. (sounds like my horse evaluations).
I got a call from a woman who needs a new home for her old mare. They brought a new gelding and stallion home, put them in a separate pasture, and the old mare is acting "out of control," running the fence, etc. The woman thought the mare didn't want the boys there. I asked her if she considered the possibility that she was acting that way because she wanted to be with them (well, the gelding would be good anyway). anyway, I tried to convince her to find a way to keep the mare. she has arthritis etc. and can't be ridden. told her things would probably be better if the stallion wasn't there. what I really suggested is that she have a trainer type person or at least a very experienced horse handler type person come and take a look at the situation. Maybe the mare just wants to be with the gelding. I can't tell from here, but with all the hundreds of horses needing new homes, we all really need to try to keep our old, lame, unrideables. I really cannot imagine kicking my old guys out just to make room for younger ones.
here is a link for you.
there are 2 huge horse adoption/auction type things. One is the 80 some horses rescued on SD Indian Reservation last winter. the other is a wild horse herd in ND. 90 or so I think. I don't believe either agency is putting breeding restrictions on these sales/adoptions. They are missing the whole point. They need to quit breeding these horses.
just want you to know what it's like out there. hundreds and hundreds of ponies available. Do we need to add any more to the pot right now?
here's the link for the SD horses.
I couldn't get the one for the ND ones to work but here's what i have.