today I got one of those calls: "are you that horse rescue place?" "Can you take my horse?"
Why in the world would I want to "take" your horse? is what I always want to say.
I didn't say that of course. I just let her talk.
Her horse needs a surgery and even the surgery will keep the horse as a "pasture pal" and she can't afford the surgery.
often I will ask some questions. like, do you have other horses? what vet? how long has he been sore? things like that.
But, with the recent starvation rescues we have done, and because I was out doing chores for 16 horses here at DoubleHP Horse Shelter (my morning chore person is in California for 2 weeks, my after schooler is gone this week, and the other one is going after a full day of "real" work to where the new rescues are, to clean their stalls and see how they are doing), well, I didn't feel like chit chatting or even trying to convince her to figure out a way to take care of her horse.
I just did my generic thing: "We don't do that, what we do is assist law enforcement with horse cases of starvation. And we think that your horse is your responsibility, and if you can't afford it then you just shouldn't have horses. I'm sorry." but of course she hung up before I was done.
As I was pushing the wheelbarrow around etc. I got some more incomings from this same number. I didn't answer. I figured she could leave a message. She did not. But, then, an incoming from a different number. I answered. "did you just talk to my daughter? how dare you tell a young girl..." blah blah blah. I don't remember those first words. but I do remember this "what kind of an organization are you?" And so I began to tell her, my generic thing: "We assist law enforcement with horse cases of starvation..." but she didn't hear a word because at the same time she was saying, "you called her a piece of shit" and "this is a young girl who is trying to do the right thing and you would rather have her starve her horse?" somewhere in there I said "I'm trying to tell you what kind of an organization we are, because you asked" and "no I most certainly did not call anyone a piece of shit" and "of course I did not tell her to starve her horse" and "I'm going to hang up now. Goodbye."
but what I really wanted to say is, "why in the world won't you pay for the horse's surgery for your daugther?"
I did know, before it even happened, that she would begin to blame us "do-gooders" for her horse problems. Like, why can't we take her horse? isn't that what we are supposed to do?
Sorry lady, volunteers get to choose what mission they want to follow. and our mission is "to assist law enforcement in horse cases of starvation."
It's pretty loud and clear on our website.
The only thing I regret is that I didn't ask her where she got our number. If someone told her to call us, that person needs to know this isn't what we do. We do not bail out horse owners. We have plenty horses of our own to care for.
Doesn't this person know how many thousands of unwanted horses there are? Is this person in some deep deep sleep with absolutely no awareness of what is going on in the horse industry?
We have trouble finding good homes for the horses we get trained. Why in the world would we want her horse too? I do of course feel sorry for the horse. Sorry because its owner won't take care of it and keep it, no matter what.
That's what we do. Once we rescue a horse, it's forever. No matter what.
But the horses that already have homes, they have to be able to depend on their homes to care for them.
We are here for the horses without homes.We figure if there is no food and water there is no home. Those are the horses we help. Sorry, but like I said, volunteers get to choose who they want to help.
More details about our "Barn Dance" activities April 26
Our "Barn Dance" on Sunday, April 26, is all about the natural sense of
balance, rhythm, and harmony that Horses have. And how we can learn about
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9 years ago