Three of our Unbridled Beauties Models have volunteered to be in a 2011 calendar, so I guess the request is officially open to people and businesses interested in sponsoring and/or modeling for an Unbridled Beauties of DoubleHP 2011 Calendar.
Our 2010s are available for sale, and we still have a few 2009s left.
(this was our first one),
if you would like to start a collection of them.

For info. about the 2011 calendar plans, go here.
the photos here are the 2010 inside cover pages (The Wanted Poster, these 2 pages go together top & bottom when you open up the front cover)
The bib overalls on the fence is the 2010 cover photo, the sepia with guitar is the 2010 Centerfold, and the last one here is the 2009 cover photo. As you can see, the theme is "conservatively sexy".
But if you don't like that, or if you are afraid to admit that you do, we have another calendar that is also available for sale. That is our 2010 Horses Only desktop calendar. Those photos are horses only, horses that live at DoubleHP Horse Shelter.
you will find info. about both of these calendars on our DoubleHP website.
if you have any questions or want to order by phone, just give me a call. 605 359-0961. thanks, Darci, Moonshine's Mom.