Pam Lostroh and her mom Mae Ranchau are, for the second straight year, having a rummage sale at Mae's house in Sioux Falls SD to benefit the Horses of DoubleHP.
It's Friday & Saturday August 21-22 at 2517 S. Main, 8a.m. to 5 p.m. in Sioux Falls SD. For more info., or to donate items, call Pam on her cell (605) 310-2094.
Pam was Jasmine's foster mom, and Hero was born at Pam's house. This photo is of Pam and Hero. "Confidence." It looks like Pam is helping him build confidence. And boy did he! The other photo is Hero as a 2-year-old, just a couple of weeks ago.
But anyway, if you have items to donate, please give Pam a call. Horsey or non-horsey items. doesn't matter. Thanks!