Saturday, April 25, 2009
More Little Visitors
Last Sunday Prince & Princess had visitors again. Paul and Amanda and their dad Randy Antonsen came. We were missing the other half of their family but hope more will come tomorrow for their next visit! Last week, we put a saddle on Prince so they could actually move around the arena on him, with Randy leading. A light synthetic saddle donated by Donna Jensen of Arlington SD. It hardly weighs a thing, which is great for Prince and his arthritis. Amanda learned that you really don't have to kick a horse to get him to go faster. Apparantly, last summer on their Dude Ranch trip, they had to kick the trail horses to get them to go up the hill. But Prince is so responsive. He was trained quite well as a show horse before his arthritis showed up. So, no, you don't have to kick Princie to make him trot. All you have to do is say "trot!"