Here is a new post from the HSUS. The Humane Society of the United States. USE THE LINK BELOW. The link will take you to the story and a video. Notice they did not hesitate, and all entities were in agreement, that they must remove ALL not some of the animals on this property.
The horses in this story look and act like the horses we rescue. I can honestly say that in all of our rescues, only once did we have trailer loading issues. And we had prepared for that because we expected it with that particular group of horses. So we made sure we had some extremely experienced horse handlers and trainers with us on that rescue. But otherwise, we have never had trouble loading them. In most cases, the horses we rescue have had very little human contact in the months leading up to their rescue. Just standing out there starving. So, they are usually extremely happy to see us arrive with our trailers. and then when we get them to where we can give them hay and water, they quickly become our friends. Afterall, we are the ones who brought them to the food.
Bless Your Food on this Thanksgiving Day. And Bless the Animal Rescuers for the work they do. Sometimes they have to do it on Holidays, on weekends, after 5 p.m.. And many of them are Volunteers.
and the next time you hear someone around here say something negative about the mission of the HSUS, please set them straight. all you need to do is go to their website and read their stories, watch their rescue and undercover videos. One of the hardest ones to watch is the one about the baby veal calves. And it doesn't have anything to do with eating beef, with eating baby beef, with farming, or about producing food. It only has to do with cruelty to animals. The way they are treated. The way they are piled up on top of each other. both the living ad the dead. The way they are splashed with water so the electric prod might be able to get them up on their tiny little feet, even though they are too weak to stand. The way the workers laugh at them, at their weak and wobbly condition, yelling at them to get up cuz "there aint nothin' wrong with you." Like I said, it has nothing to do with the production of food or farming. Only about cruelty.
here's the link to the new HSUS video. The rescue of 80 starving horses in Tennessee.
Toward Greener Pastures for 80 Starving Horses - Wayne Pacelle: A Humane Nation
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More details about our "Barn Dance" activities April 26
Our "Barn Dance" on Sunday, April 26, is all about the natural sense of
balance, rhythm, and harmony that Horses have. And how we can learn about
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9 years ago