This (below) is from the website of the Corsica Salebarn, from their Nov. 16 2009 horse sale.
This is a perfect example of the low-end horse breeders' nonsense.
Good grief, has it really taken them 12 years to figure out what their problem is?: Overproduction. Notice, though, as you read the report, first they admit that overproduction is the problem. They mention it twice. But, at the end of the report, they just can't stand it anymore, and they have to blame an outside source: The HSUS. Like it's their fault there are too many horses born every year.
Why did the rest of us know many many years ago that overproduction was the problem? DoubleHP has been doing horse rescue for about 8 years now, and we knew that overproduction was the cause of the problem way back then. I'm sure the HSUS knew it way before that. The low-end horse breeders are the last to figure it out. Surprise Surprise! I've always thought these low-end breeders must not be too smart. Feed and care for an untrained broodmare all year, sell her baby for $50 or $500, and call it a business. Please tell me, where is the profit? That is, if you are properly caring for the horses. If they can't figure out in about a second that this is not a good business plan, no wonder it took them 12 years to figure out that overproduction is the problem. Well, at least they know now. Thank you to the Humane Society of the United States for helping us all understand what the problem is: overproduction!
here's the report:
"Loose Horses – sold 128 Head. The big cleanup of over production from when the horse market was at its high peak 10-12 years ago is about over. We have been selling lots of stallions & broodmares these past several years as people got out of the business when the price of weanlings dropped drastically due to the over production that had been going on. Again, foreign slaughter horse plants taking big advantage of the fact all horse processing plants closed in the U.S., no alternative but to use them & show it by prices paid. PETA & HUS has hurt the economy a bunch."
If you have questions or comments, please email Darci at
More details about our "Barn Dance" activities April 26
Our "Barn Dance" on Sunday, April 26, is all about the natural sense of
balance, rhythm, and harmony that Horses have. And how we can learn about
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