How in the world do you blog every day!
Baylee's Vet appt went about as I thought. Xrays in Baylee's front feet showed good bones. No rotation. Very thin soles though, which we knew. And Hero's lump/knob is a mystery thing. Does not seem like a sarcoid. I think someone just got tired of his shenanigans and decided it was time for him to grow up and follow the rules like the rest of the herd, and gave him a good bite to encourage maturity in this independent brave little colt we call Hero.
As for Baylee, she and Flicka are quite satisfied to call the barn area home. They are "good wanderers." At our place, this means they can roam around in the barn/stall area. They don't pull too many halters off the hangers and really never ever mess with anything. And they get along great. So, they have an outside pen but can go in the stalls too. During the day when the rest of the herd is in the pasture, they get to go out in the riding arena too when no one's in there riding. The herd here only gets to graze for about 3 hours a day. We just don't have enough pasture for them to be on it more than that and last. This way, they get some grazing into October/November, whatever Mother Nature decides. And so we feed a lot of hay year round. Just a little less now that they get a few hours in the pasture.
When the herd is brought in from pasture, Baylee and Flicka get to be with them out in the big horse yard. So they really are doing fine. And luckily our grass hay from last year was really good. So they have good grass hay to eat. Baylee was running today. We did put just regular shoes on her fronts. She has gained weight though since we have not been riding her. So tonight we decided to cut back on their flakes of hay. 5 each per day, instead of 6.
Flicka is pretty much just being Baylee's friend. But she too showed some of this soreness last fall. She came out of it no problem though. but with these 2 gals, I just need to be really careful of what they eat now.
oh, and also, Baylee gets these little bumps on her neck and shoulders and also on both sides of her butt along her tail and down her back legs. I thought they were bug bites but can't remember her getting them before. they can be there in the a.m. and gone in a couple of hours. The whole thing is very strange. and if any one out there has experienced this or parts of this, I would love to visit with you about this. how any or all of this is related. the bumps, heat & humidity, thin soles, trimmed hooves, and what they eat.
Baylee will come out of this just fine. like I said, she was already running today. But I just have this feeling that no matter what I feed her, this will happen to her when it is hot & humid. And I so hope I am wrong about that. I hope that if I just don't feed her any of the good stuff, monitor her weight, and start riding again once she is not sore, that she will be fine.
More details about our "Barn Dance" activities April 26
Our "Barn Dance" on Sunday, April 26, is all about the natural sense of
balance, rhythm, and harmony that Horses have. And how we can learn about
that from...
9 years ago