This is the photo that is on ASPCA's Facebook. It's our Hero & Princess. I put the link down toward the bottom of this post.

"Mom, tell him to quit looking at me." It reminds me of the breakfast table long ago, when we couldn't stand to look back and forth at our siblings that early in the morning. So we would put the cereal boxes in front of our faces.

So much is happening all at once! Of course it is! I am trying to get ready to go on a vacation. Last year I didn't get to go on one. It was the first year in about 20 years we did not take horses out to the Black Hills to go trail riding. With all the young rescued horses here last year, and special needs of various animlas, and chore helpers in and out, etc., etc., it was not a comfortable feeling thinking about being about 400 miles away from home.
But we are planning on doing it soon. We are planning to take 4 horses with us, for about 9 days.
On Wednesday of this week, our 2010 calendars arrived!
so now I need to send them out to the sponsors and models and start selling them!
also on Wednesday I received an email from our friend Pam Lostroh. She and her mom Mae Ranchau are doing a rummage sale for us. It's August 21-22 in Sioux Falls, at Mae's house. Where in the heck do you think I wrote down that address? well, I'll find it. if you have things to donate, call Pam at 310-2094. I need to do a mass email thing to let people know about that. And take some tables over to Pams so she can use them. Yes, I will be gone on my vacation when the rummage takes place. Great timing Pam! sorry, and thanks, all together.
Also on Wednesday I got a call from a guy who is going to come here on Saturday and take away our bad hay from last year. we need to get it out of the shed to make room for new hay. This isn't really bad bad hay. It's just that we are so picky about what we feed to the horses here. This guy is going to feed it to his cows, who will love it.
And I got a call from a young gal from Dell Rapids who is going to start working here in the a.m.s later this month, when the other chore helpers go back to school.
And, Trainer Kinsey Risty decided on Oct. 2-4 for dates to do a clinic here. Which is a long ways off, but the fair is next week and she wants to start advertising the clinic there. So I've been working on a flyer for her to take to the fair.
I think I will try to get everything done, all of this type of stuff, 2 days before we leave for the Hills. then I can have a couple of days just for me. to pack, clean house, that stuff.
Anyway, it looks as though we will be having some fundraisers coming up. the calendars, the rummage, the clinic.
Lily and Rocky, 2 of our rescued horses, are going to make the big trip to the Hills with us. and then 2 of our own horses who have been there before. So next week they all 4 get to go get their shoes re-set! We have chores all figured out while we are gone. And we have people staying here. so I'm feeling good about this trip. Though I really don't like being away from home, I do love riding in the Black Hills. The gravel roads around here just don't have the same beauty.
I emailed a thank you to ASPCA for the hay money they sent to us. I emailed them pictures of the hay day we had here last week. They put one of our pictures on their facebook. It's of Hero and Princess. here is the link where you can see it on the ASPCA website.
If any of you do Facebook, could you do some linking there?
Prince got an injection in his hock today. He has been limping more than usual. He has only had 2 injections, and the last one was last October. So it's been almost a year.
How can it be almost October already!
it has been crazy busy around here.
okay. gotta go out and get at least one horse ridden.