"I love horses because..." or
"I love (name of DoubleHP horse(s) because..."
Leave a comment here, follow the theme/topic choices above, ENTER A DRAWING FOR CHANCE TO WIN SOME OF THESE STAMPS.
The photo is DoubleHP Hiroki (Hero) and DoubleHP Jet, two of our rescued horses.
These are official U.S. Postage Stamps. We are trying them out, and we need some opinions.
So we want to give some away to see what people think of them.
If we like them, we will design more Postage Stamps with various photos of our rescued horses on them. I think we will like them. They are available for sale in our Zazzle Gallery. Many other items in there too. We are just building our Zazzle Gallery, so check back there often. But there are many great items in there already, all with photos of our rescued horses on them.
There will be 2 different drawings. Names will be drawn on Feb. 13 and announced the next day, on Feb. 14. That's right! on Valentine's Day!
One drawing will take place right here on our blog. This drawing is for 10 of these stamps. All you have to do to enter is post a comment here, to this blog entry. In about 50 words or so, comment on "I love my horse because..." or "I love horses because..." or "I love (name of a DoubleHP rescued horse) because..."
then, check back here on Valentines Day, Feb. 14, to see who won the stamps.
you may check back sooner, of course, to see if we got any other comments & entries.
If you are the winner, just give us a call. (605) 359-0961. We'll send your stamps right out to you.
Or if you live near us, you can pick them up if you want to.
But you have to post a comment following the theme mentioned above, you have to check back on this blog to see if you are the winner, and you have to call us to let us know if you will pick up the stamps or if we should send them to you. And we would appreciate your letting us know if you like the stamps once you see them for real!
That's it! easy! No entry fee. No donation. No raffle tickets to buy. Just leave a comment here and check back to see if you are the winner.
THE SECOND DRAWING is for 20 of these stamps, and you enter through our doublehphorses.org website, along with making a donation in any amount, to help feed & care for our rescued horses.
Link to our website here http://www.doublehphorses.org/
The directions for entering the drawing for 20 of these stamps will be right there easy to find on our website home page.
thank you. just give us a call if you have any questions or suggestions (or comment here).
(605) 359-0961. DoubleHP Horse Shelter, Darci Hortness